Abigail Booth
I applied to the program after I applied to the Hull-York WP program and despite getting rejected from there I was accepted...Tell us a bit about your background and where you come from.
I am from Totton and went to a local school where I achieved good GCSE grades. I am now currently at college studying Chemistry, Biology and Psychology which I thoroughly enjoy.
Why did you apply for the programme?
I have always had a keen interest in medicine and ways in which we can positively impact someone’s life and I wanted to confirm that this was the career path I wanted to take in the future.
Did you have any worries or concerns about attending the programme?
I was worried because I didn’t know anyone else that was attending it so was anxious that I would spend the week on my own.
What was the highlight of your Sutton Trust programme?
There were many amazing moments within the summer school: taking blood from a mannequin to meeting the most amazing group of aspiring medics. Everyday was packed with activities to both have an insight into university and medical school.
What have you gained from taking part in the programme?
It has not only confirmed my choice of career path, but also clarified that I wanted to apply for Cardiff, where I attended my summer school.
What would you tell someone who was unsure about applying for a Sutton Trust programme?
Go for it! It is an amazing experience and you get an insight to not only a specialised course but you get a feel for the university. Everyone is in the same boat there and you will all get on so well!