Abigail Booth
I applied to the program after I applied to the Hull-York WP program and despite getting rejected from there I was accepted...Why did you apply for the programme?
I come from Poland originally, I moved to England when I was around 3 years old. I applied because I wanted to get a taste for engineering at university and enhance my personal statement.
Did you have any worries before attending?
I was worried that the content would be overwhelming and too advanced, but it was just the right difficulty. I enjoyed the academic activities we did and lectures that we attended, but there was also free time and fun activities such as punting. One thing this experience has given me is clarity. I am now certain that I want to study Engineering at university, and I am certain that I will enjoy it!
What would you say to someone who is unsure about applying?
If you’re considering it, just apply! The worst that can happen is you do not get accepted—you don’t lose anything by applying. Hopefully, you do get accepted but if you don’t apply in the first place then the only answer you can get is no.