Abigail Booth
I applied to the program after I applied to the Hull-York WP program and despite getting rejected from there I was accepted...I applied to Durham’s summer school to get a feel of what uni life was like and figure out if I could see myself going to that university.
Before going, I was worried that no one would like be or talk to me, and that I would like the university which would then lead to me not knowing where I want to go. But meeting new people was my highlight, especially in my mentor group. I now have friends from all over the UK (Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales!) and we still keep in touch.
I have gained a lot of new experiences from the summer school. I have discovered a love for the methods of research used in psychology experiments and of course I’ve also gained new friends. I am definitely going to apply to the university for the psychology course, I am absolutely in love with the city that university is in!
My advice to anyone thinking of applying? Just go and do it! The worst that could happen is that you decide the uni isn’t for you. It’s great experience and you will make new friends because everyone else will be in the same boat as you.